Questions & Answers

New products

How can I request a new product?

You can request an artist/album by sending us an email at or by using the contact page.

When will new products be added?

New products will be added weekly, come back to see what's been added!

Ordering and delivery

How do I cancel my order?

There is only a short amount of time between when you place your order and when we start processing it. If you contact us straight away after ordering, via, we may be able to cancel your order before it’s processed.

Where do you ship to?

We ship worldwide, this does mean offering a variety of delivery services with a variety of costs and shipping speeds, please check this before ordering!

When will my order arrive?

We will attempt to get your order shipped in 3-5 days, please allow up for 14 days for your order to arrive due to delays and other circumstances.

Where is my order confirmation?

This is automatically sent to your email address when you place an order. If you haven’t received your order confirmation within 24 hours, please get in touch on our contact page or at

Product Specification

How deep are the canvases?

The canvases are 2cm deep, this allows for the canvas to be easily hung with a adhesive tape, blu tack, nail or any other option you may have!

How large are the canvases?

We decided the most appropriate size was 20cm x 20cm (8x8 inches). This felt big enough to be clearly seen, admired even! But most importantly able to be scanned easily and quickly. We make sure the code doesn't block the art but it's big enough to add that unique factor.

Why canvases?


The average price of a vinyl is around £30/€35/$40! We love vinyls, we love the appeal, but the price is just so much, why pay more when you've got Spotify, no need for a vinyl player or any other equipment. Scan with your smartphone and enjoy!


Our canvases are produced with high quality materials including waterproof latex ink. This means that the cost is slightly higher but the quality is second to none, high quality, high resolution, high fidelity products.

Skipping tracks

With the canvases, once the album is on your phone, you can skip, restart, stop, start all at will. No need to mess around with a vinyl player when it's all in your Spotify.

Wait times

Vinyls can take many months to produce, they suffer from delays and are incredibly fragile. Canvases, while still needing to be treated with care can be easily transported and made. Want your favourite album the week after it's release? We can do that!